All prices in Euro. All prices incl. 19% MwSt/VAT, books and artwork incl. 7% MwSt.
Payment by Paypal. If you have no paypal account pls. ask us for other ways to pay.
Clothes maximum 5 Euro, artwork maximum 10 Euro within Germany by DPD. To Europe/worldwide it depends on amount of products and weight. For example: 1 T-Shirt and some sticker packs cost 6.50 Euro shipping worldwide, registered. The calculated shipping costs will be listed on the "check out" page before you need to login. Outside of Germany usually sent by Deutsche Post/registered, artwork by DPD or DHL. If your country isn`t listed, pls ask us and we will calculate shipping for you.
"width" means below the arms, "height" means from top to bottom.
Shirt Type "NS":
small: width 48 cm, height 67 cm
medium: width 51 cm, height 70 cm
large: width 54 cm, height 73 cm
Shirt Type "AV":
small: width 45 cm, height 70 cm
medium: width 49 cm, height 72 cm
large: width 56 cm, height 74 cm
xlarge: width 60 cm, height 78 cm
Shirt Type "GD":
small: width 47 cm, height 70 cm
medium: width 50 cm, height 73 cm
large: width 55 cm, height 73 cm
xlarge: width 60 cm, height 75 cm
Shirt Type "SC":
medium: width 53 cm, height 73 cm
large: width 54 cm, height 74 cm
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If you are interested in wholesale, pls. contact us with dropping some information about your business. Thanks.
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